Platter Upgrade for Garrard 301

I am toying with the idea of upgrading my analog system to the next level up from my VPI scout. I've heard alot of talk about great performance from a Garrard 301 coupled with a upgraded plinth that I could buy from various sources, such as Oswald Mill Audio or Shindo, among others. However, I rarely hear about other upgrades for the Garrard. Isn't the platter a key component that should be a contender for an upgrade? I know Shindo makes such a platter, but they seem to be ultra expensive. There must be a less expensive alternative? Also, what other upgrades should I consider to a Garrard? Thanks, Mark
Mikelavigne;you stated your opinions very eloquently and,even more important, openminded.
But if one owns such an TT as an Rockport and is still
not fully satisfied then,I am afraid,I have no answer to
your surch-expedition. I have no problem at all with your
'lead' in time (a year in front)but I have some trouble
with your intention to go back (in time) to the Garrard.
BTW I was to onesided with my 'nostalgia' qualification
so I will add the 'handyman' who enjoys fixing things.

I ignored your negative comment because I didn't want the thread to deteriorate, but if all these people are more than amused with the 301,
Some with walkers others with rockports, maybe where there is something to it.
But if one owns such an TT as an Rockport and is still not fully satisfied then,I am afraid,I have no answer......

you are not the first to question why i am traveling down this road....but 'not fully satisfied' with the Rockport is not the answer to the question. curiosity and wanting to be involved with a fun direction is most of it. after i have fully experienced what the Technics and Garrard and such have to offer then we will see what i do long term. it's all good. i have also dived into RTR decks, but again not because the Rockport did not satisfy.

it's a hobby, and it's fun. all these machines hopefully bring us closer to the magic of music in some way.
I feel the same way as Mike. This is a fun adventure that does not really cost much in the long run. Of course, I don't have a Rockport or anything comparable to fall back on. What got me going was the surprising sonics of my Lenco L75 in a custom designed CLD plinth. Holy cow! I figured if the Lenco, my first sample of a vintage tt, sounds so good, I ought to do some further investigation. Nandric, if you can bring yourself to make a dispassionate assessment, you too will be surprised at the music that can be made by these nostalgia-provoking pieces of gear. (I think all this is off-topic; sorry.) Two years ago, I thought those who tinkered with idlers and DD tables were interesting troglodytes.
Mike,Logene,e.a. I feel very uncomfortable with semantical
issues because my English is the worst of my languages.
Despite of this I will underline that 'worning' is not
the same as 'allowing' (I was desperate for an more adequate expression but alas).
So I refered to P.Lurne an phisicist who is longer then
30 years in TT development. The so-called 'context' was
the complexity of design and manufacturing of the platter
(the bearing of course included). I.e. not something one
does in hes garage in hes leisure time.
But it is,it seems to me,an totaly onother issue if my
'worning' (in technical sense) is interpreted as some kind
of 'not allowing' my forum-fellows the pleasure of chasing
whatever they like.I.e thy 'adventure'.
I see our forum also as a 'place' for exchange of information. So I am sorry to see that nobody refers to
Lurne (qua context) but I know of course that all in this
forum is 'voluntary'.
