Mikelavigne. There is doubtless great beauty in and joy
from the artistic descriptions that we call literature.
But as Frege clirified to us there is some difference with,say, science.So he wrote hes 'Sense and reference' so
that an writer my compose an beatuful story about,say,
Pegasus without worry about the 'bearer' of this name
(aka the reference).So look with me,if you care,to the
beaty of the sentences Mike composed:
"but 'not fully satisfied'with the Rockport is not the
answer the question.curiosity and wanting to be involved
with a fun direction is most of it..."
I was realy moved and longed to join the club.
But then came an sentence with 'entailment' in logical
sence:'after I have fully experinced what Technics and
Garrard have to offer the we will see...'.
The 'entailment' is,it seems to me,the expectation,hope or
even the 'pretention' to surpass the engineers from Rockport by the force of hoping,so to speak.
I tryd to help the 'adventure' by providing some 'theoretical grounding' and refered to Lurne,an
physicist who wrote about 'design philosophy' for TT AND
the PLATTER but nobody was interested.
So my mind made some kind of an leap to an French cardinal
and 'the lady'.
The lady:'Sire is it an sin that I admire my own beauty
all day long?'
Richelieu:'ceartanly not my lady,ceartanly not.An illusion
is not a sin'.
from the artistic descriptions that we call literature.
But as Frege clirified to us there is some difference with,say, science.So he wrote hes 'Sense and reference' so
that an writer my compose an beatuful story about,say,
Pegasus without worry about the 'bearer' of this name
(aka the reference).So look with me,if you care,to the
beaty of the sentences Mike composed:
"but 'not fully satisfied'with the Rockport is not the
answer the question.curiosity and wanting to be involved
with a fun direction is most of it..."
I was realy moved and longed to join the club.
But then came an sentence with 'entailment' in logical
sence:'after I have fully experinced what Technics and
Garrard have to offer the we will see...'.
The 'entailment' is,it seems to me,the expectation,hope or
even the 'pretention' to surpass the engineers from Rockport by the force of hoping,so to speak.
I tryd to help the 'adventure' by providing some 'theoretical grounding' and refered to Lurne,an
physicist who wrote about 'design philosophy' for TT AND
the PLATTER but nobody was interested.
So my mind made some kind of an leap to an French cardinal
and 'the lady'.
The lady:'Sire is it an sin that I admire my own beauty
all day long?'
Richelieu:'ceartanly not my lady,ceartanly not.An illusion
is not a sin'.