your question has hit a nerve here for sure; what an exciting concept to be able to spend $30k for a first step into vinyl playback. it sounds like the investment in Lp software has also been considered.
i own three tt's; one way over $30k and two maybe 1/3rd $30k. i own SOTA digital and SOTA RTR. i have my own opinion about the answer to your question....for me, my system, and my tastes. the problem is that your question is too open-ended to answer in a helpful way.
there is no doubt that you will enjoy a large increase in listening pleasure thru a strong commitment to as one who likes all the formats i say go for it.
as some others have suggested; i think you should take some time to listen to some quality tt set-ups and try to get a feel for what level and type of vinyl gear will justify the commitment to vinyl. also; some here are direct drive or rim-drive believers, others like belts. there are new tt's, modern used tt's and vintage tt's with new plinths and arms. some like tubes and warm sounding cartridges and others like solid state and neutral sounding cartridges. every catagory has it's proponents.
it's all good.
but what might be good for you?
you'll know it when you hear it. and unless you choose an audio mentor and just follow their lead you need to invest some time and decide what sonic characterisitics are most important to you. most here have discovered our perspectives thru the slow methodical steps up thru the vinyl food-chain.
good luck.