Best Turntable/arm/cartridge system for $30k

I have finally decided to take the plunge into the Analog world. My current source is Accuphase Transport/DAC 100/101. This combo is the best player money can buy when playing SACD but a letdown when playing CDs. I have yet to come across a CD player that can make CDs sound musical and involving. Not even the latest DCS or Emmlab gears can achieve that. I will probably stop buying CDs altogether and focus on LPs collection instead. Any recommendations?
If you've made your mind up to spend $30k on an analog rig then I assume you can travel to audition. Heck you could use some of that $30k for a travel budget and still have enough cash to buy a state of the art analog rig.

The advice to visit Galibier Designs in Colorado is a good one. Having been there myself and met with Thom I can say your time will not be wasted. While in Colorado you can also visit Teres Audio where Chris Brady has also set up shop. Then if you don't mind venturing south a bit you could go to Scottsdale, AZ and visit Peter Clark at Redpoint Audio. The Galibier, Teres, and Redpoint tables are well thought of and it so happens that Thom, Chris, and Peter also share some common history. If anything you'll walk away with a lot more knowledge than you came in with.

Not sure how much research you're doing here but this is the best forum on Audiogon. It might help to look at some threads that discuss the importance of cartridge/arm/table matching. Lots of good advice from some experienced members. If you're going to spend $30k you want all the components to have the right synergy, phonostage too. It's easy to mess this part up.

Best of luck in your search. I wish I had your problem.
For USD30k, I would think seriously about flying over to the UK and buying the TT etc there. With the pound/dollar exchange at the moment, you can get much more for your money, even allowing for the flight and the shipping.

Definitely add an analog option but make sure your room and your amp and your speakers are optimized for top of the line tt. With your budget no reason for trial and error buying used on the ' should demo the table and arm

Some 'goners think a single rug is more than enuf room treatment

Correct Speaker placement by a professional not merely a audio dealer pays hug dividends.....

Synergy between your preamp and amp. Perhaps a quality tube that has line and phono preamp or a more transparent solid state preamp that has both like dartZeel may make you happier with cds