You listed all of those Sampling Rates, did you see the list? Not all of those Sampling Rates were created at the same time, neither is that the end of the "New Sampling Rate of the Week". As far as conversion is concerned, I
don't see the Software Conversion keeping up with a "New
Sampling Rate of the Week"! How can it? You have a train
wreck of a mess for an endless open ended Format that no
one can plan ahead for, more or less afford. Convenient for
profiteers, born on the backs of poor smuck Consumers.
Never needed Wasapi, Kernel Streaming, or ASIO for CD
Playback. Never had a problem with Computer Virus, Hard
Drive Errors, Fragmentation, Hard Drive Crash, Back-up Hard
Drive Crash for CD Playback. Never needed Meta Data, Music
File Type, Three hour Download, Ripping Software, Setting
Configuration of Media Player for CD Playback. I can drag
a powerful magnet across a CD with no ill effect. Even if it did it would still be only one damaged Disk. Do the same
to your Computer and wipe out 2,000 or more Music Files.
You are creating the ultimate every egg in the universe being placed in the largest basket. Basket fall down and go
BOOM! Pieces of Music File everywhere. Never a problem with
CD; but, now you want everyone to give up CD, and pay through the nose for all of the problems listed above. What
does the word "THRIFT" mean to you other than billionare
Computer Manufacturers making tens of billions? Hundreds of
billions? Again your math is a little off, because that huge amount of money isn't born in a vacuum. It is born off of our backs, and we will suffer because of it. Atleast
don't take our Music away by pulling plug on all other
Audio Formats! Have a Heart, a Soul would be nice too!
don't see the Software Conversion keeping up with a "New
Sampling Rate of the Week"! How can it? You have a train
wreck of a mess for an endless open ended Format that no
one can plan ahead for, more or less afford. Convenient for
profiteers, born on the backs of poor smuck Consumers.
Never needed Wasapi, Kernel Streaming, or ASIO for CD
Playback. Never had a problem with Computer Virus, Hard
Drive Errors, Fragmentation, Hard Drive Crash, Back-up Hard
Drive Crash for CD Playback. Never needed Meta Data, Music
File Type, Three hour Download, Ripping Software, Setting
Configuration of Media Player for CD Playback. I can drag
a powerful magnet across a CD with no ill effect. Even if it did it would still be only one damaged Disk. Do the same
to your Computer and wipe out 2,000 or more Music Files.
You are creating the ultimate every egg in the universe being placed in the largest basket. Basket fall down and go
BOOM! Pieces of Music File everywhere. Never a problem with
CD; but, now you want everyone to give up CD, and pay through the nose for all of the problems listed above. What
does the word "THRIFT" mean to you other than billionare
Computer Manufacturers making tens of billions? Hundreds of
billions? Again your math is a little off, because that huge amount of money isn't born in a vacuum. It is born off of our backs, and we will suffer because of it. Atleast
don't take our Music away by pulling plug on all other
Audio Formats! Have a Heart, a Soul would be nice too!