I sourced a nice big slab of slate for just £30 on the weekend from a reclamation yard, it's 2 inches thick and the plan is to cut in in half and double it up, so it will end up being 4 inches deep which is the same depth as the DK300. The upper & lower layers will have different cut-out to refect the shape of the motor unit, with the lower (base) layer having a larger surface area for greater flexibility fo locating footers.
This plinth is going to be monsterously heavy, I would imagine total weight with DP80 motor unit will approach 100kg. I am intending to use Clearlight RDC cones and combi-bases as footers, but I am wondering what to use between the two layers of slate (if anything at all) if the two layers dont sit absolutely flush with one-another. Does anyone have any ideas as regards the best approach, i.e. a thin layer of compliant damping compound to isolate or something solid like small spikes to tightly couple the two layers?
This plinth is going to be monsterously heavy, I would imagine total weight with DP80 motor unit will approach 100kg. I am intending to use Clearlight RDC cones and combi-bases as footers, but I am wondering what to use between the two layers of slate (if anything at all) if the two layers dont sit absolutely flush with one-another. Does anyone have any ideas as regards the best approach, i.e. a thin layer of compliant damping compound to isolate or something solid like small spikes to tightly couple the two layers?