TW-Acustic Raven

Would like to hear opinions on the TW-Acustic Raven One/Two table. I am considering this table with a Graham Phantom II arm.
Having owned and used the Fieckert protractor and finding it to be a big PITA, it is gone. It is a guessing game trying to find the center to the arm bearing to get the protactor lined up, and forget about using that thing with a SME arm. The only reason it sells it becasue it is a universal solution and easily available.
The Wally Tools are way better but impossible to get.

I saw and heard the Fieckert Twin with a Kuzma 4-point with a Lyra Scala and was disapointed to say the least. Way to many variables in a show setting but not impressive at all if you ask me. Acrylic and painted birch ply wood for materials does not make for fabulous design princapals in my mind. Good marketing can sell tables but does not mean it is a great product.
Dr. Fieckerts view of marketing a product is at best a carny side show in my minds eye.
If his table is anything like his protractor...

Upon becoming aware of the MintLp arc protractor for $90.00 shipping included and directly comparing the end results of the Fiekert to the Mint protractor last year.
My ears told me immediately there was a significant issue with the Fiekert.

That along with the other issues I mentioned made my blood boil.

Pcosta I agree, the Wally tools are one of the best on the Planet.
It is a shame they are so difficult to get.

The Mint and the Wally set up tools ARE of the highest precision, the end results are up to the user.
Has anyone compared TW Acustic with a Verdier Platine? I think one could get a used Platine for the price of a TW Raven One.
Contact Graham Tricker of GT Audio he is UK Distbrutor for both tables and will be able to give you his views on both the Raven One and Verdier Platine
Taste is always different, but I did listen to a lot of turntables with worse Performance than the Feickert.
This one was a killer combination

The Feickert Turntable

Buying a Phantom Arm is always a good decision, no matter for which turntable. It can deliver the best from most cartridges.
Platine Verdier is a special chapter, it is expensive and rare. I know some owners and all of them don't do much conversation about analog. They use their time for listening.
But of course, it is not a religion :)