Phone Preamp help for VPI Scout w Grado Sonota MM

Recently Purchased a VPI scout with Grado Sonota MM cart. Related equipment is MF A308 integrated (currently using the built in phono pre) with Paradigm Signature S2 V2s. I need to stay under 1k used (the farther below the better). I am considering the Graham Slee era gold V and also the EAR 834p as top candidates based on research. I have also though about selling the Grado and going to a Dyna Cart like 20x with the Dyna P75 which I have heard works magically comboed together. Any thoughts especially from those who have experience with these cartridges/table/preamps would be appreciated. Also, music taste are generally classic rock along with some jazz and blues. I of course am looking for the magical combination that sounds as real/likelike as possible so I can close my eyes and get lost in the music.
I used the Grado PH1 phono stage (500 $USD) with my Grado Prestige Gold and lately with the Statement Master.. and it has always worked very well giving a very good sound
I picked up a used Graham Slee Era Gold V. I am happy with the sound, still am curious at some point to try a tubed unit. Anyone else with feedback on their findings with associated equipment please let me know your thoughts. For now I am very much enjoying the combination of the Scout / Sonata / Era Gold V.
I will second the Jasmine LP2.0SE. I just got one a couple of weeks ago that I am using with my Scout and a Dynavector 10x5 cartridge. It is outstanding IMHO, especially for the money. They have a 30 day return policy for the full retail of $649.00, so if you don't like it, you could send it back for a refund. Build quality seems to be very good, and you don't often see a two box unit at this price point (the power supply is in a separate box from the preamp). Most units in this price range have wall wart type power supplies. If they do offer outboard power supplies, they are usually an upgrade and additional cost. I have not heard the Graham, so I couldn't comment on that.
I so glad I came across this post! I currently own a VPI Scout II with a Black Knight platter and 10.5SE arm (the TT Michael Fremmer demo'd a cart setup at the 2012 NYC audio show - not why I bought the TT, I got an incredible deal). I'm currently utilizing a Grado Gold cart through a Dynavector P-75 phono pre, thru an old Mac C-32 pre. My speakers are Focal 935's which are extremely accurate and IMO bright. I've played with speaker placement, VTA, azimuth, and cables for endless hours and cannot seem to control the harshness of the highs and sibilance.

I too am impressed by all the rave reviews of the Dynavector 20X2/VPI/P-75 setup. I posted another thread here, "Cart for under 1K" and the responses have been tremendously helpful, but everyone has a different opinion. Unfortunately there is no way to borrow ten carts from a dealer and evaluate each prior to making a decision. I'm more than likely going to give the 20X2 a shot, but just for shits and giggles, I was thinking about purchasing a Denon 103 for comparison. First, it's not expensive, and two I'll be able to have a comparative measure with my current cart. Once an understanding of the type of sound developed from my cart compared to the 103, I think that will help better direct my decision. Just a thought since there are so many choices.

I am also thinking about playing around with the P-75 setup, adjusting the output to see if that controls sibilance. Does anyone have any opinions or should I just leave that alone?

Thank you everyone!

I had your problem and virtually the same set up. I cured it with an honest tube pre amp -the Cary made AE-3- which may still be available from Upscale Audio.
I now love my phono stage the Graham Slee Gram amp 2 SE. put through the pre. Alsoyou must get Cardas Golden refs or other Cardas "Golden" upper level interconnects between your pre and your amp. If you don't have a tube power amp consider it seriously.
If you just get the pre (roll the 6SN7s if you want I like rolling so I did) and the Cardas cable which will have to be used as Cardas is not making that style of cable, you will be happy and amazed. I guarantee it!!