Phone Preamp help for VPI Scout w Grado Sonota MM

Recently Purchased a VPI scout with Grado Sonota MM cart. Related equipment is MF A308 integrated (currently using the built in phono pre) with Paradigm Signature S2 V2s. I need to stay under 1k used (the farther below the better). I am considering the Graham Slee era gold V and also the EAR 834p as top candidates based on research. I have also though about selling the Grado and going to a Dyna Cart like 20x with the Dyna P75 which I have heard works magically comboed together. Any thoughts especially from those who have experience with these cartridges/table/preamps would be appreciated. Also, music taste are generally classic rock along with some jazz and blues. I of course am looking for the magical combination that sounds as real/likelike as possible so I can close my eyes and get lost in the music.
I had your problem and virtually the same set up. I cured it with an honest tube pre amp -the Cary made AE-3- which may still be available from Upscale Audio.
I now love my phono stage the Graham Slee Gram amp 2 SE. put through the pre. Alsoyou must get Cardas Golden refs or other Cardas "Golden" upper level interconnects between your pre and your amp. If you don't have a tube power amp consider it seriously.
If you just get the pre (roll the 6SN7s if you want I like rolling so I did) and the Cardas cable which will have to be used as Cardas is not making that style of cable, you will be happy and amazed. I guarantee it!! careful what you guarantee. In MY system, I tried many cables, but not were worse than Cardas.....I tried their whole line
Well sorry about that, It worked so well for me ...with my Focal Electras.... that I thought it would work for anyone.
The question does remain though have you tried a real tube preamp? It is a critical piece to the puzzle. Tube power amps makes it even better!! I only wanted to share my success after almost a decade of reiiteritave gear and cable swapping. I once had a MF 308 integrated, for instance, and had to sell it as it just didn't work with my gear.
I wish you could hear my set up but I am moving and it is now at my ex's house but will be with me soon. I will have to figure out a way to fit it in a small apt. I hope it still sounds as good but I duobt it.
I am genuinely surprised the Cardas Golden Refs didn't take some edge off. Can you describe how they sounded?
I have all Ayre equipment...sure the Golden Ref's took the edge off, as well as the depth, air, and all the stuff that makes us Audiophiles.