Turntable in 20 K$ price range - Design & Music

I'm looking for a nice turntable in 20 K$ price range.

Nice to see and to listen !

2 turntables are in my short list :
- Simon Yorke S10
- Spiral Groove SG1 or 2

Anyone can comment on those 2 beauties ?
I own and love the Simon Yorke S7. Simon believe the S10 is better. You might also consider the EAR turntable.
Yes - Bergmann is very nice too - and in the same price range.
It seems that it's a bit noisy because of air airbearing, and hard to tune (audioexotic forum)
Really a few others you should consider:

EAR Discmaster
Grand Prix Monaco
SME 20/2 or 20/12 (one being a little lower, one higher in price)
TW Acustic Raven AC1 or AC3 (both being under 20k)

Anyway, you have a very nice problem to have !

I own a SME 20/2, but will get a chance to hear the Grand Prix Monaco with Tri Planar arm this weekend in my system. I'll try and post a few initial comments.