Grounding Hum

I recently got a new TT for Christmas. It's an MMF 2.2 LE. I think there's a grounding problem or something because there is a slight buzzing noise present. I looked through past threads on the topic here, but nothing seems to fit this situation. I've checked, and rechecked the connection between the TT, and the preamp. I've even used a Fluke voltmeter to check for continuity between the two. I've checked the headshell leads to the cartridge. All is well. Maybe it's the ground wire connection to the turntable itself? I've run out of options. Any ideas?
I just tried the separate piece of wire trick. That didn't work. Now, I'll try moving the 'table and see what happens.
Here's some additional information, which may help:

If I flip the switch on my preamp (NAD1155) from MC to MM, the hum reduced, but doesn't go away. However, it seems that I, then, act as ground, because there is a more pronounced hum whenever I touch the preamp. The hum comes from both channels. A bypass wire from the turntable to the preamp had no effect. Moving the turntable (to the extent that I could) had 0 effect. The amp (B&K ST-140) is connected to a Stax SR34 headphone preamp. Then Monster Cables from the Stax unit to Vandersteen speakers.

Thanks to all those who contribute to my problem resolution.

Try flipping the AC plug-ins around in their sockets one at a time. If your on split phase with ground return this could help. Let me know if this helps and I will explain why it does.
Weird, but worth a shot is to try grounding your preamp to a piece of digital equipment, like your CD player or DAC. If that doesn't work, try the same, but with the ground from the turntable to the digital piece.
I had a hum on my TT as well. Had to crank the volume up a bit, but it was there. Turns out it was my TT lite. I unplugged it from the Richard Grey 1200s (the lite) right under the phone stage to the shunyata hydra on the floor and hum is down 90%. Only apparent when I crank volumn up to 90 (out of 100). Will play a bit more but I may just live with it until I upgrade...something.