Here's some additional information, which may help:
If I flip the switch on my preamp (NAD1155) from MC to MM, the hum reduced, but doesn't go away. However, it seems that I, then, act as ground, because there is a more pronounced hum whenever I touch the preamp. The hum comes from both channels. A bypass wire from the turntable to the preamp had no effect. Moving the turntable (to the extent that I could) had 0 effect. The amp (B&K ST-140) is connected to a Stax SR34 headphone preamp. Then Monster Cables from the Stax unit to Vandersteen speakers.
Thanks to all those who contribute to my problem resolution.
If I flip the switch on my preamp (NAD1155) from MC to MM, the hum reduced, but doesn't go away. However, it seems that I, then, act as ground, because there is a more pronounced hum whenever I touch the preamp. The hum comes from both channels. A bypass wire from the turntable to the preamp had no effect. Moving the turntable (to the extent that I could) had 0 effect. The amp (B&K ST-140) is connected to a Stax SR34 headphone preamp. Then Monster Cables from the Stax unit to Vandersteen speakers.
Thanks to all those who contribute to my problem resolution.