"Lit up for one listener or system could be too bright and hifi like for another, we all realize how relative and subjective this stuff can be."
Hi Charles, yes this is the exact point. The thing of real note to me was the big leap in performance in my system compared to the others when using the Modwright although they all preferred it it just wasn't as big a deal to me as what I heard in mine which was quite a surprise. My friends system doesn't sound bright using my previous digital source. In mine it did, or at least to me and a few others but not to all, again perceptions. Interestingly enough it STILL wasn't enough. I finally came to a conclusion that my long term reference speaker would either have to be upgraded or replaced so good was the Modwright in pulling things together in one manner but realizing now fully to me the intrinsic shortcomings of the speaker in its present state and coming to terms with that fact. So on balance the Modwright was a great improvement but with an ironic twist. Funny how a great component can evolve a system into a different direction altogether.
Hi Charles, yes this is the exact point. The thing of real note to me was the big leap in performance in my system compared to the others when using the Modwright although they all preferred it it just wasn't as big a deal to me as what I heard in mine which was quite a surprise. My friends system doesn't sound bright using my previous digital source. In mine it did, or at least to me and a few others but not to all, again perceptions. Interestingly enough it STILL wasn't enough. I finally came to a conclusion that my long term reference speaker would either have to be upgraded or replaced so good was the Modwright in pulling things together in one manner but realizing now fully to me the intrinsic shortcomings of the speaker in its present state and coming to terms with that fact. So on balance the Modwright was a great improvement but with an ironic twist. Funny how a great component can evolve a system into a different direction altogether.