Raven One Owners - Last Table?

Okay...if you're an audiophile then there's probably never a last one of anything!

Intro: (Please skip to "Where I'm at" if not interested)

I just joined Audiogon because I need a new analog front end. I'm a retired Locksmith hence, "Kennythekey." My first choice was Keyman but that was taken.

My first "stereo," was separate components that I built from a kit sold by Lafayette Electronics. It was crap but I got to use a soldering iron...I was a kid and I was hooked.

All this means, is that I have to save for quite some time before I can buy anything. My upgrade path is slow and my other components are about ten years old. Also, the soldering iron never made me an engineer so my ears are everything.

Where I'm at:
If you read my intro you know I have a slow component turnover rate. That's probably why I posted Last Table?

Besides the new front end, I also want to replace my CJ Premier 11a amp but that may take awhile if I buy the Raven. I also can't afford an arm right now with the Raven and would probably install my old SME 309. I plan on holding onto my BAT VK-5i preamp, McIntosh MR71 tuner, and Thiel 3.6s. I have a relatively small listening room, and the music that makes me happiest is small club live jazz and vocal.

Given my upgrade turnover rate and existing components, is the Raven One a good choice for me...a keeper...last table? I was originally leaning towards the Origin Live Resolution or Aries 3 before I found your thread and joined Audiogon. Additionally, where I'm at none of this stuff is available and I can't afford to travel for listening.
Thanks everyone for your advice, support, and guidance. Later, much later, much later...when I finally get my stuff, I'll let you know what I think.


Congratulations! You have chosen some great gear and I'm sure you'll be very happy with your choices. The Raven/Tron combo is spectacular. Make sure to budget for lots of vinyl purchases over the next few months!

Jeff is a great guy. Be sure to scratch his brain for vinyl recommendations, he has amazingly eclectic taste.
Luckily, I don't have many CDs, or maybe too many. There are some CDs that I enjoy, however, that are not available on vinyl...I will miss those as my Theta transport keeps shutting down and the company tells me to buy a new model since it's not practical to fix what I've got...enough said!

I do have have a decent LP collection and Jeff told me he really likes original vinyl..yes...don't we all? It would be good to pick his brain. Thanks.