Need help setting overhang on the Technics SL-1200

Recently I picked up a Technics SL-1200 and have mounted a Shure M97XE cartridge. I am curious if the white plastic overhang guage that comes with the SL-1200 is truely accurate; my ears seem to tell me the cartridge sounds better moved further out toward the tip of the headshell (presently I have it out as far as it goes). Also I am wondering what the ideal tracking force for the M97 is and how high the rear of the arm should be set for the VTA (between 0mm and 6mm). Your thoughts would be appreciated.
01-29-09: Bobgates
Johnnyb53 - I'll have to try the Audio-Technica 150 MLX. Have you compared it to the Ortofon 2M Bronze, which falls in the same price catagory? Thanks. Bob
No, I haven't heard the 2M Bronze. The two cartridges are in the same price category if you order from Needle Doctor or many other places, but you can get the AT 150MLX for $249.99 SHIPPED from J&R Music World here. Furthermore, you can get the replacement stylus for $179.95 from LPGear here. I don't think anything else comes close at that cost of purchase or stylus replacement. The AT 150MLX was designed to compete in the $400-500 range, and I suspect it still does, but at $250 it's a no-brainer.

Internally the AT 150MLX is wired wtih high purity single-crystal HPOCC copper, making it very fast, transparent, and smooth. The stylus is a Micro-Line (MLX), very similar if not identical to the Micro-Ridge stylus of the last, discontinued Shure V15VxMR cartridges. This stylus shape hits the unworn portions of the groove and the AT stylus is very nicely polished from what I've read.
Johnnyb53 - a person who has compared both cartridges just told me this today: "the AT 150 is a wonderful cartridge, but I say stick with the 2M Bronze. The AT can grab some really high frequencies better than the Ortofon, but for overall balance and bass, the Ortofon trumps it."
Bob, thanks for the info. Given the way the 2M Black has re-defined the price/performance ratio at $599, it doesn't surprise me that the same cartridge engine with a different stylus (Fritz-Geiger, I think) would do the same thing at around the $389 price point.
Johnntb53 - I just ordered an Ortofon SH-4 detachable headshell to use on the SL-1200 - as soon as I get it I'll remove the Ortofon 2M Bronze from the Rega P3-24 and listen to it on the SL-1200 - should be interesting.
Well believe it or not I have found that the overhang that provides the best sound was brought about by using the Shure protractor that comes with the M97 cartridge. So much for spending a great deal of money on other protractors.