Furutech Destat or Walker Talisman or both?

What is the best way to get rid of surface static on vinyl.
Who has ever made a comparison between these two products? Or am I wrong to even consider them a choice beween each other, I realize they are two different animals but seem to have similar claims.
Theo, I haven't used a Destat, but I do use a Walker Talisman. The Talisman works very effectively here for static elimination and delivers a sonic benefit even when there is no static.

As I've noted in another thread, the benefits I hear when using the Talisman are pretty consistent and repeatable: greater clarity through the midrange, particularly noticeable in the harmonic overtones on strings; blacker backgrounds; often a top end that sounds more extended and pure; better delineation of a broader, deeper and more layered soundstage. The difference is subtle, but very defintely audible and repeatable across four different audio systems.

I recommend it.
Something like a bulk tape eraser will do a much better job, will not need repeated treatments, and cost a whole lot less than either of these two products.
It is worth a try, Tom. WARNING, keep it far away from your cartridge!

The idea is to hold the magnet close to the lp without touching them. Move the eraser or the lp around to be sure the field gets everywhere. Then slowly remove the lp from the magnetic field so that "things" are left evenly dispersed.

Listen to an lp first. Then try the demag. If done correctly you should hear more low level detail and clarity.

Once you get the hang of it you can apply the same technique to your cables and tubes, if you have them. Just remove them from your system and do the demag'ing on the floor or a table.
I use both and highly recommend them. De Stat also can be used on your gear and cables with very good results also.