Like the Cosmos,it has been improved over time,and represents superb value.
The thing that amuses me,is how so many competitive,not quite as good but similar(less the Vacuum)products command downright Silly/High prices,yet gain good sales.Some cannot approach "any" SOTA design in performance,but we are talking "audio" here,and many folks are jaded,as in "clueless".
A popular German table,that is "dark sounding",has no effective clamping system,and no suspension comes to mind,and it has gained a wide audience.
I'm sure "it" sounds good,and have heard it(looked heavy,but I didn't think it was anything extraordinary,other than looking nice)but I'll guarantee it cannot compete on a head to head basis with a new Millenia or the Cosmos for that matter.Actually I know of a hobbyist who had this popular German design and switched to a new TNT/Rim Drive,because like the Sotas,it smoked the over-priced imposter "big time".....Go figure!
Good luck
The thing that amuses me,is how so many competitive,not quite as good but similar(less the Vacuum)products command downright Silly/High prices,yet gain good sales.Some cannot approach "any" SOTA design in performance,but we are talking "audio" here,and many folks are jaded,as in "clueless".
A popular German table,that is "dark sounding",has no effective clamping system,and no suspension comes to mind,and it has gained a wide audience.
I'm sure "it" sounds good,and have heard it(looked heavy,but I didn't think it was anything extraordinary,other than looking nice)but I'll guarantee it cannot compete on a head to head basis with a new Millenia or the Cosmos for that matter.Actually I know of a hobbyist who had this popular German design and switched to a new TNT/Rim Drive,because like the Sotas,it smoked the over-priced imposter "big time".....Go figure!
Good luck