SOTA Millennia - Comments?

I have enjoyed three different SOTA tables over the years and now have the newest Nova w/ vac. Does anyone have experience with the SOTA Millennia? I'm considering another upgrade below $10K and have grown loyal to the brand.
I'm intrigued too. Please do tell about this 'emperor's new cloth' German made turntable.
Because I am not interested in hurting any mafgr "specifically".It's just my opinion,and of course I expect the stone throwers to toss a few my way,'cause I made a comment that is not in favor of their preferred product.That's "audio",these days -:)

Besides you can probably figure it out.

No,just observational truth.I'm a happy camper,these days-:)

Btw,I'm really happy for you.You've settled on very nice stuff.Be happy,and enjoy "music".

Sirspeedy is speaking of TW Acustic. The Raven One, which I have heard head to head with my Cosmos, is better than he implies, but the Cosmos is still the superior 'table all around. In my opinion, of course.