Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?

Hi folks, I wonder if the Linn LP-12 is still competitive with the best offerings from Avid, VPI, TW Acoustics, Teres, Galibier and Transrotor. If that is the case, then it's cheaper to go for a LP-12. What are the weak points of the LP-12? Which tt is better: the Thorens TD124 or Linn LP-12?

I'm the hundredth poster, Do I get a prize? Let me sum this up, the Linn still makes music and can make you happy. I finally bought one this fall because I found one that had been for sale for years in great condition with a Grace 707 and F9E for $400. Does it sound as good as the Scoutmaster I have set up? Probably not, but how could you tell, different arms and cartridges. I sure hope that the new Aries I have coming with 12.7 arm and most of the goodies sounds considerably better but I don't think that the Linn will be totally embarrassed by it. The Linn is still a good table that can work in a top system, Martin Colloms still uses one and so do many others.
Great post, Kirkus. I also agree with Stanwal. It is very satisfying for a large number of listeners.
"It is very satisfying for a large number of listeners."

Would we even be having this discussion about a product that debuted so long ago if this were not the case?

Longevity is one of the best indicators of utility.....
All tables 'Give Up' something in the Sound Spectrum........Many are still, after all the years, satisfied at what the Linn does, and does not do, for that matter. It is still very SYSTEM dependent; albeit given the right scenario, with the right associated components, a Proven Winner!!!!!!! That's what they see in LINN, and what LINN represents.
The LP12 can be upgraded all the way to what many, including myself, consider is still SOTA.
A Radikal/ Trampolin v2/Cirkus/LP12 is the current itineration. I wander how close in sound this is to the typical LP12( of older vintage) that most of the posters are referring to and which I suspect is what their experience lies with.
IMHO, If you haven't heard the latest itineration, then you probably aren't qualified to give an opinion as to the how competitive the LP12 is against the current competition.