That was one of the clearest, best written and most helpful posts I've ever seen. Thanks for so generously sharing the results of your experience mounting different TriPlanars.
You provided a simple and sensible procedure that will work in all but extreme cases of inaccuracy, regardless of whether the inaccuracy results from the jig or from rotation of the mounting plate during tonearm assembly.
I'd suggest adding a generic version of this post onto the "TriPlanar Tips" thread and/or your website. This information is so helpful it ought to be where other TP users will find it.
I'd recommend sharing Thom's post with your dealer and/or Avid. This would let them understand the issues and position your three mounting holes correctly while also helping them prepare for future TriPlanar armboard requests.
As to AC Raven or Amazon Ref, it's unlikely there'll be any synergy advantages or disadvantages between the TriPlanar and either of those two tables. Aside from fit-up challenges like the one you're dealing with now, table/arm synergy is rarely a major issue IME and will not be with either of those tables. I've heard TriPlanars on both and there were no problems.
In respect of fitting, the Raven's rotating armboard (like my Teres and Thom's tables) offers some insurance that you can easily attain a correct setup. Most owners who have this feature quickly wonder how they lived without it.
Both tables are made with the kind of precise, solid engineering you're accustomed to from your SME. Beautiful stuff.
The Raven's more massive platter and less elastic belt make it a bit more solid in the bass and clear on transients, though it won't quite match a non-elastic belt driven Galibier or Teres in this respect. The Ref's lighter platter and more elastic belt provide a slightly more relaxed presentation. Which you prefer is up to you of course.
That was one of the clearest, best written and most helpful posts I've ever seen. Thanks for so generously sharing the results of your experience mounting different TriPlanars.
You provided a simple and sensible procedure that will work in all but extreme cases of inaccuracy, regardless of whether the inaccuracy results from the jig or from rotation of the mounting plate during tonearm assembly.
I'd suggest adding a generic version of this post onto the "TriPlanar Tips" thread and/or your website. This information is so helpful it ought to be where other TP users will find it.
I'd recommend sharing Thom's post with your dealer and/or Avid. This would let them understand the issues and position your three mounting holes correctly while also helping them prepare for future TriPlanar armboard requests.
As to AC Raven or Amazon Ref, it's unlikely there'll be any synergy advantages or disadvantages between the TriPlanar and either of those two tables. Aside from fit-up challenges like the one you're dealing with now, table/arm synergy is rarely a major issue IME and will not be with either of those tables. I've heard TriPlanars on both and there were no problems.
In respect of fitting, the Raven's rotating armboard (like my Teres and Thom's tables) offers some insurance that you can easily attain a correct setup. Most owners who have this feature quickly wonder how they lived without it.
Both tables are made with the kind of precise, solid engineering you're accustomed to from your SME. Beautiful stuff.
The Raven's more massive platter and less elastic belt make it a bit more solid in the bass and clear on transients, though it won't quite match a non-elastic belt driven Galibier or Teres in this respect. The Ref's lighter platter and more elastic belt provide a slightly more relaxed presentation. Which you prefer is up to you of course.