Revelation tonearm cable - users

Has anyone tried the Revelation Paradise Cryo-Silver™ Reference Phono/Tone Arm Interconnect cable ? I was thinking of purchasing one and would like to know how it compares to other high end tonearm cables. I have not been able to find much info on it.

I am very happy with the cable. Most of the persons with negative statements may not have actually auditioned the cable in their systems. The bad rap on the company in terms of customer service is not shared by me based on my own personal experience. But in terms of performance, it is an excellent cable. At $400/used it is a very good deal for a cable that if it were sold by a "Name" company would probably go for at least $1500.
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I am glad you like the cable. I guess Revelation Audio might have improved the cable since I tried it almost two years ago. You are right. Cable is very system dependent. I didn't have good experience with them though in terms of service. The refund process was extremely slow. Who knows. They could have improved their customer service as well.