The first-best-last analog item you ever bought

I bought a Heathkit WAP- 2, twenty watt dual chassis amplifier in 1955. My grandpa, in the midwest it's grandpa and not grandfather, told me to buy a Magnavox console and be done with it. Little did he know where my choice would take me 53 years later.

Today, my best and last investment is in a RTR machine. The machines are cheap when compared to the alternatives. Unfortunately the software is scarce and expensive
Nothing good comes cheap. How about your thoughts.


Best vintage/classic table: Pierre Lurne' J1 with outboard motor- most detailed, most musical, most dynamic, best pitch...

Forget the old DDs (except the Rockports and Goldmunds-only) and rim drives; all inconsequential (and best suited for hobbyists, collectors and dreamers) in my opinion.

Speaking of Goldmund, is that new reference out yet?

1979 Linn LP12, and modern :) 1983 Fidelity FR64fx and ARC SP-8 (recently refurbished by ARC). Undoubtedly there are better modern equivalents, but these all still sound very good. Of course I do plan on upgrading some day...
REL (Radio Engineering Laboratories) Precedent FM tuner, from 1954! Purchased by me in 1991, and used in conjunction with an H. H. Scott LM35 multiplex adapter for stereo.

-- Al