The first-best-last analog item you ever bought

I bought a Heathkit WAP- 2, twenty watt dual chassis amplifier in 1955. My grandpa, in the midwest it's grandpa and not grandfather, told me to buy a Magnavox console and be done with it. Little did he know where my choice would take me 53 years later.

Today, my best and last investment is in a RTR machine. The machines are cheap when compared to the alternatives. Unfortunately the software is scarce and expensive
Nothing good comes cheap. How about your thoughts.


I really like having a Mcintosh MR-67 tuner in my system. It sounds great and look cool. Tubes.........
Best vintage/classic table: Pierre Lurne' J1 with outboard motor- most detailed, most musical, most dynamic, best pitch...

Forget the old DDs (except the Rockports and Goldmunds-only) and rim drives; all inconsequential (and best suited for hobbyists, collectors and dreamers) in my opinion.

Speaking of Goldmund, is that new reference out yet?

1979 Linn LP12, and modern :) 1983 Fidelity FR64fx and ARC SP-8 (recently refurbished by ARC). Undoubtedly there are better modern equivalents, but these all still sound very good. Of course I do plan on upgrading some day...