Sandbox-style isolation

Has anyone compared this approach to any of the commercial isolation stands? In my specific case, for a VPI Scoutmaster.
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I use he Bright Star Big Rock under my TNT with great results. Eying the Sympisium Ultra platform but at $1,400, I'm not in a rush. If anyone can give me a push (who's done the upgrade) I'd probably do it (if worth it).
I have yet to beat my DIY sandbox with my Scoutmaster. Many are using sandbox isolation with their VPI's, most seem very satisfied. Tried various suspension type isolation schemes, didn't like those at all, I suspect mass loaded designs like vibration drainage. Sand and aluminum together do a first rate job, check out the Galibier tt website (DIY sandbox design, or could use this with commercial sandbox), Thom had my solution. I think you would have to spend a lot more to get much better, something like the Grand Prix line.
I had my Super Scoutmaster on a Target wall mount but was getting the onset of feedback as the volume went from loud to pretty loud (I have a Vandersteen 2W sub 5' away). By putting a Symposium Super platform ,on the Target, with three Rollerblock JR.'s between the table and the platform I was able to eliminate the feedback completely. Can now crank up the volume (with the stylus in groove and platter not spinning) with no hint of the former feedback/howling. Absolutely worth the expense!!