Comments about Nottingham quirks

In this month's 2009 analog issue of "The Absolute Sound" there is a review of the Nottingham interspace Jr. that seems pretty bad. I was considering a 294 until I read how annoying most operations of the Nottingham are. The weird thing is they list the 249 as one the best recommendations even though it has the same quirks as the interspace Jr. Any thoughts?
I can't think of any "quirks", except for having to spin the platter to start the table up. I haven't read the TAS review and probably won't. Can you be more specific?
Basically, most of the beef is with the tonearm and it's lack of "fingerlift" and the "stupidity" of not having any way to secure the arm when not in use. Also, he says the interconnects produce the worst hum he's heard in 4 decades of playing vinyl. It's basically a pretty bad review. You would think that the 294 would have many of the same complaints, since the tonearm is the same.
I have not read this review but I have owned five different Nottingham models. Notts are great tables even the entry level models which I have had. This reviewer obviously needs to find another job.