Which tonearm should I keep?

I need to sell some audio gear for funds to pay for a pre-amp upgrade.
I need to sell soon, so I don't have alot of time to sit and compare between them and would appreciate very much what others views, thoughts and opinions would be on the one to keep.

The tonearms are:

Hadcock 242SE Super Silver (currently using)

(2)Technics 500 one a501 E, one 501 H arms)

Fidelity Research FR64

Fidelity Research FR64S

My cartridges:

Music Maker III (currently using)

Fidelity Research MC201
Fidelity Research FR-1 MK3 F

Dynavector KARAT 17D2 MR (considering retip)

Ortofon 30 (considering retip)

Cartridges are flexible, as I can purchase different in the future, I just want to sell the extra tonearms.

I would greatly appreciate suggestions on which one to keep.



128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
To answer Bill Feil's email that he just sent to me (which should have been stated here, and not only to me)
As Bill states in the email:

"They are 2 separate companies. That is a true statement"

They are not separate, as, Mr.Hadcock CANNOT sell his own tonearm himself, only Mr. Gregory can sell the Hadcock tonearm...
For customer service, Mr. Hadcock does not and cannot be reached for customer service, only Mr. Gregory takes care of that.
Mr. Hadcock and Mr. Gregory are virtual "siamese twins" as Mr. Hadcock cannot operate without Mr. Gregory.
Maybe Mr. Gregory and you would like to "pretend" there is not financial tie between Hadcock tonearm and Cartridgeman cartridges (as especially in the past) as all advertising and reviews lead the buyer to believe that these companies are completely seperate.. but, that is not the case at all.
Just thought this should be openly posted, and not in an email.

Dear Nandric: Nothing wrong with that, as I stated all is about preferences I respect yours and I posted that I " admire " FR, I'm not dismiss it: both designs are totally different and I prefer the EPA-500 that I try it with several cartridges MM/MC ( like the FR's that I owned ), no I don't test it with the " HI FI TEST RECORD " but always performs fine and with out trouble about.

Anyway, like you I'm only trying to help with my opinion at the end Rick is the best " judge " to pull the trigger.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Raul,I have,I think,some kind of (pre)advantage in
our discussion.Why? Wel I've read all of your contributions
to our forum ;some more then once ather more than 5or6
times.So if one has,say,1000 statements or propositions to
hes disposal and the other none or very few then the chances to discover 'contradictions' are plain.
Why my reading of your contributions? Well I like to learn
despite the fact that I am in our hobby longer then 30
years. I stated elsewhere (Linn LP-12;Mosin) my indebtenis
to you.But because of my respect for you I am trying hard
to find the best (contra) arguments I can. There will be
no discussion possible if Rauls authority became'absolute'.
I am 100% sure that you prefer the arguments.
Your description of 'mating'Dyna XV1 with the best tonearm
possible I've read 6 times. Why? I own the Lustre 801.
What have I learned from this immense effort from You?
Well I knew before that such 'mating' was difficult but it
seems much more difficult then I thoght.
Then Rich came along with hes,my I use the expression(?)
'desparate' set of carts: from M.Maker to FR-1 .I own the
FR-24 that Ikeda made for this cart. I also bought the
Phase-Tech P-3G with an compliance of 8um/mN so I think
I know what this means.
So I was very suprised to read your advice:'Technics
fits them all'.
You even geve me advice to bay one without knowing anything
about my carts and tonearms.But I don't belive in 'omni
potent' tonearms.So I am confused.
You even banter the Test-records but I will advice Rich
to instal FR-1 to hes Technics and try the so-called
'resonance test'. If hes Technics trys to desert or leave
him then,I assume,I am right;if the 'mates' stays in 8-12
Hz region,then Raul is right.
But Rich can,if he will be so kind,resolve the issue if
he keeps the M.Maker. In this case he gets the same advice
from us both.
BTW Rich the 'retiping' is very expensive,the result not
sure and you can bay a better cart;look at Rauls MM story.

Rather than banter with Rich and make a fool of him, if you have any questions about Cartridge Man and Hadcock, email Leonard Gregory at thecartridgeman@talktalk.net

Bill Feil
Dealer disclaimer: Cartridge Man and Hadcock
Two separate companies