Which tonearm should I keep?

I need to sell some audio gear for funds to pay for a pre-amp upgrade.
I need to sell soon, so I don't have alot of time to sit and compare between them and would appreciate very much what others views, thoughts and opinions would be on the one to keep.

The tonearms are:

Hadcock 242SE Super Silver (currently using)

(2)Technics 500 one a501 E, one 501 H arms)

Fidelity Research FR64

Fidelity Research FR64S

My cartridges:

Music Maker III (currently using)

Fidelity Research MC201
Fidelity Research FR-1 MK3 F

Dynavector KARAT 17D2 MR (considering retip)

Ortofon 30 (considering retip)

Cartridges are flexible, as I can purchase different in the future, I just want to sell the extra tonearms.

I would greatly appreciate suggestions on which one to keep.



128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
I stand corrected on the mass of the Hadcock, it is indeed a medium mass arm as Audiofeil says. I was thinking of the original Hadcocks, which were low mass arms. In terms of Hadcock and Music Maker, I only know what I read, which is that the Music Maker and Hadcock are designed to go together, and that the two have a connection via the owner of Music Maker (possibly British distributor of Hadcock?), although Bill (Audiofeil) may have more info on the exact connection than I do.
Ask Rich; he knows it all.

I'm only the North American importer.

Although they are 2 separate companies you know.

Dealer disclaimer: For the 2 separate companies i.e. Cartridge Man and Hadcock.

Thank you.
The other day I was visiting my old mate Pieter with my
son Vladimiir. We where for about 5 sec. inside when my
son declared:'Uncle Pieter has the same!'
The same what?
'Pick-up of course!'
My own son. Uncle Pieter owns an Thorens 160 and hes
father owns an Kuzma Stabi Reference with Triplanar VII.

legally and at tax time, they may be 2 separate companies, but, tell me Bill Feil, you deny the truth of these statements made to me by Leonard Gregory?

"I decided to re-design the Hadcock range"

which led to this statement:

"This is why everything goes through me, I am the sole distributor of the Hadcock range, which I feel is my due being not only the designer, but the motivator of re-introduction of the range to the market place"

These are facts..... which is easy to know when you have a Hadcock/Cartridgman item. Customer service is only through Leonard Gregory for all Hadcock business.. there is NO "official" contact for the Hadcock tonearm company, nor Mr. Hadcock.

If I am wrong, explain it.. but don't just make statements that I'm wrong because you the US distributor..if you remember.. you sent me to deal with Leonard Gregory for anything pertaining to my tonearm.

I'm done, this is silly to continue, when Bill Feil would rather be rude and insulting instead of truthful.

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