Well-Tempered Golf Ball?

In this month's TAS they describe the Well-Tempered Amadeus as follows: "tonearm is suspended from fishing line (which I've seen and understand) and damped with a golf ball."

Can someone explain this golf ball? Are we talking a Titleist here or merely something that reminds the author of a golf ball?
You do not have to get it with the wtt arm, a Dynavector 507 Tonearm can be mounted on the table. I am personal convinced that this table might not be a prince in the looks department, but will make many very pricey models stand up and take notice. The WTA with it's ease of setup along with superior sound using it's own arm, will finally mark the Linn's last days on earth.And prove that the Linn's design was flawed and now obsolete.

The comedy's not over just yet!

A Lithuanian start up is selling a new 'table on A-gon called "The Milky Stork".

My guess is that this name doesn't translate well from the original Lithuanian.

Any way you slice it, there's some odd stuff afoot in the analog world.


PS If you don't find humor in the notion of "a precision made golf ball" as your arm bearing, you might want to take a deep breath. Even if this turns out to be the perfect solution to the problem, the comapny needs more to:

A)work on the appearance
B)excersize a little more intelligence in its marketing copy.
A)work on the appearance
B)excersize a little more intelligence in its marketing copy

I can only guess what you are trying to say.They meaning WTT should have just kept their mouths shut about the use of the golf ball,or just hide the fact that one is being used?

I hope the appearance point is self evident: the thing looks like a high school science project gone wrong. Every high end product needn't be finished like a museum piece, but this one is sloppy.

As to my objection to WT Labs' use of the term "Precision made" to describe their golf ball; my issue is that this phrase is market speak for "expensive" as in:

"Our megabuck pre amp is so expensive because we use "precision made" XYZ brand resistors and capacitors".

I find that the use of this phrase by any manufacturer is generally sort of obnoxious, but WT Labs' using it to describe a golf ball marks a new height of idiocy. Maybe WT Labs uses golf balls that are superior to those used by all of their competitors in the suddenly frenzied golf ball bearing tonearm market. Perhaps the competition is using recycled balls fished from the water hazard over by the 18th hole.

Let's be generous for a moment. Perhaps WT Labs is merely trying to educate its potential customers that all golf balls - not just those employed in their bearing - are made with a precision unappreciated by the high end market. You'd be surprised at the complexity of manufacturing a golf ball, not easy (or cheap) you know...Oh wait a minute ...even the best golf balls cost less than a few bucks a pop. Please!

Look - if a golf ball makes a great bearing, say so. As in "after trying exotic materials like XYZ, we've found that a SIMPLE golf ball works best". Of course, this would imply that an arm using a golf ball SHOULD be cheaper. I'm pretty confident that this explains why WT Labs does not so describe the golf ball they use.

Sorry, but even if this product is great - I find their marketing of it insulting. I know a lot of folks love their products (and I'd never argue the point as I have had limited experience here), but the company deserves all the crap they can get over this one.
