Well-Tempered Golf Ball?

In this month's TAS they describe the Well-Tempered Amadeus as follows: "tonearm is suspended from fishing line (which I've seen and understand) and damped with a golf ball."

Can someone explain this golf ball? Are we talking a Titleist here or merely something that reminds the author of a golf ball?
You are going to see many in less then a year after purchase, being placed on the used market. And not because of poor performance, but the golf ball jokes will leave to many with a bad taste with thoughts that they have made a bad purchase.
Such arrogance, such idiotic babble.
How can you comment on something you haven't experienced?
I would think if you hear it you'll be changing your depends! and the joke will be on you....
Chashas1 are you talking to me you most be talking to me because their is no one else in the room so you most be talking to me.
yes in the past I had the original WTT classic with square motor, also the WTT record player along with a Goldmund studio table and 3b arm along with others. Such as a VPIHW19,Musichall MF-5,7 tables. I can talk with some experience and say I love the WTT tables and would be very happy to hear from any member that has the new WTA and their opinions.