Denon DL 103R vs. AT OC9 - MLII

Has anyone had the chance to compare these two MC carts? Based on specs, the AT appears to be slightly more compliant and have slightly more output. I'm also wondering if the AT's stylus shape would make it a bit quieter in the groove?
Dear Rob: Looking at your phono stage IMHO you can have a better quality performance through MM cartridges than from MC ones.

With this in mind you can/could go freely to the AT 150MLX or Nagaoka MP-50/500 or Ortofon 2M Black/Bronze even for the Maestro.

IMHO all these cartridges are not a sideways move on your Dyna and IMHO too are better than the ones you named on your thread.

Regards and enjy the music.
Raul -

Thanks for the input regarding my phono stage and for confirming some of the cart recommendations that Viridian and others have made.

I remember reading a synopsis by Michael Fremer on the MiniMax where he felt the top end could be bit soft on the MM side, so I assumed that perhaps the MC side of the phonostage was a bit better in that aspect.

There's obviously more choices for MM than MC carts with the arms than I'm presently using. I am considering replacing the Basik arm with one of the Rega variants, but once again there seem to be less MC choices for a medium-mass tonearm.

I'd like to choose a cart that will work best with my phonostage, work well with the Basik, but will still be a good choice when I go to upgrade the arm.
Dear Rob: That kind of remarks ( the one from M. Fremer ) about the MM " soft " top end is ( I never hear your unit ) IMHO a load impedance subject ( like MC ones that needs the right load impedance to show its best performance. IMHO any pro-reviewer like MF it suppose that know about and must advise about. ) because if you load almost any MM cartridge type at 100K instead the " wrong " 47K setting things improve a lot on quality performance.

All those MM cartridges are " tonearm/phono stage friendly " and its quality performance can/could even the quality performance ( everything the same. I can't be totaly sure, because the MC are more demanding, but in your phono stage ( like I told you ) the MM surpass/beat a MC one. ) level against several MC cartridges on the 2K-3K price range.

Anyway, this is only an additional opinion that along the other people ones can give you the " input " to make a choice.

regards and enjoy the music.
I'm very tempted to give the AT150 a shot. Lots of bang for the buck. I think the stylus/cantilever is similar to the OC9. Seems like a good tracker :)
The Denon 103 is like a deep dark glass of Brandy... The AT is a Bombay Saphire and tonic...