Cartridge fresh out of the box

If this question has been popped previously, my apologies!

Anyways, I just installed a N-I-B Benz Micro MC20E2H cartridge (replacing a vdH MM-1) and I noticed that the sound from one channel (right) is significantly softer than the other.

Could this be due to the cartridge which has (obviously) not being broken-in yet?

Also, when I play a mono LP and set my amp to mono, both channels produce the same level of sound.

Thanks for any feedback.

If the azimuth is not adjusted properly, there can be an imbalance.

Don't be misled by inexperienced contributors.
AudioFeil International:
"Don't be misled by inexperienced contributors"

An arrogant tone doesn't add value to your post.
Mekong56 is correct, fine tuning the azimuth affects the channel SEPARATION, not the channel BALANCE. Unless of course, we're talking about something like a tilt of 20 degrees . . .

Provided that there are no problems with connections and wiring (quite possible after a cartridge installation), or a problem downstream (verify by swapping phono output leads left for right), then the mismatch is indeed the cartridge. In fact, channel balance is a very typical cartridge specification . . . precisely because it is the component which usually determines it.