Which Pre Phono between Dynavector XX2 and AN M3

I do not have any Phono entry on my Audio Note M3 pre-amp and want to buy a Pre-phono + step-up for my Dynavector XX2 (mounted on Regar Arm and DSP Turntable).

I'm hesitating between:
- EAR 834P
- Aqvox 2CI MKII

but open to better choice ..

Any advice or experience on that ??
>>I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the Ayre P5xe may be the best at anywhere near this price point(and much higher).<<

I agree.

You are going out on a limb.
from my understanding the audionote m3 does not have balanced inputs. you are probabaly best served to find a single ended phono stage. why not the audionote m3 phono?
btw, i am using the xx-2 mkii with the aqvox in balanced mode and couldn't be happier.
You forgot the YMMV part as well. What do you know of/sell that has the gain, flexibilty and significantly outperforms the P5xe at or even twice it's price without taking too much liberty with the RIAA curve? I'm not taunting, I really am looking for an accurate, flexible phonostage, preferably with multiple inputs (balanced>single ended). Stelma's stated that he's open to suggestion as well.
I know your right that RIAA accuracey isn't the only important parameter but all else being equal, especially at a high price point, I'd want the more accurate one.

Thanks for your input ...(and indeed, I have a DPS table (noit a DSP!!)

Selling my M3 and buy an M5? Why not but quite expensive ...

I will consider the Herron, Art AUdio .. and maybe even the Ayre P5xe(assuming they are easily available in Europe - I'm leaving in France).

Why I get from your comments, is that Aquvox or Ear will notbe enough .. This is embarassing!!
I am getting an Ayre P-5xe to pair with my Dynavector XX-2 MkII, and both should arrive next week and will keep you posted.

In the meantime, if you have already bought your phono stage let us know your reaction.