Which Pre Phono between Dynavector XX2 and AN M3

I do not have any Phono entry on my Audio Note M3 pre-amp and want to buy a Pre-phono + step-up for my Dynavector XX2 (mounted on Regar Arm and DSP Turntable).

I'm hesitating between:
- EAR 834P
- Aqvox 2CI MKII

but open to better choice ..

Any advice or experience on that ??
from my understanding the audionote m3 does not have balanced inputs. you are probabaly best served to find a single ended phono stage. why not the audionote m3 phono?
btw, i am using the xx-2 mkii with the aqvox in balanced mode and couldn't be happier.
You forgot the YMMV part as well. What do you know of/sell that has the gain, flexibilty and significantly outperforms the P5xe at or even twice it's price without taking too much liberty with the RIAA curve? I'm not taunting, I really am looking for an accurate, flexible phonostage, preferably with multiple inputs (balanced>single ended). Stelma's stated that he's open to suggestion as well.
I know your right that RIAA accuracey isn't the only important parameter but all else being equal, especially at a high price point, I'd want the more accurate one.

Thanks for your input ...(and indeed, I have a DPS table (noit a DSP!!)

Selling my M3 and buy an M5? Why not but quite expensive ...

I will consider the Herron, Art AUdio .. and maybe even the Ayre P5xe(assuming they are easily available in Europe - I'm leaving in France).

Why I get from your comments, is that Aquvox or Ear will notbe enough .. This is embarassing!!
I am getting an Ayre P-5xe to pair with my Dynavector XX-2 MkII, and both should arrive next week and will keep you posted.

In the meantime, if you have already bought your phono stage let us know your reaction.
Somebody pinged me about an update to the Ayre P-5xe... I received the analog rig about 2-3 months ago. In a word, this is a truly spectacular phono and you can find more details at http://www.martinloganowners.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9365

Today, I had an audio *rgasm with the original Telarc Carmina Burana from the 1980's (Shaw/Atlanta Symphony) - and before you think I am talking about the typical Telarc bass drum whacks, the truly ecstatic experience was with the size and body of the chorus and the impact & intensity of the lifelike, silky cymbals (which caused the amp to shut down at one point due to their very wide dynamic range)! This record continues its legend.