Grain/Distortion heard on Inner 1/4 of LP

I've been adjusting this and that with my new Clearaudio Emotion/Virtuoso setup, and I thought I had things tuned in pretty well, but now all the albums I listen to exhibit pretty bad distortion when listening to the inner 1/4 of an LP. Up until that point, everything sounds clean and superb. I've meticulously realigned my cart several times and adjusted overhang to the point where I don't think it could be any better when using the naked eye. I also raised my VTA to assist in dynamic and bass response.

I was told to solve this problem I need to adjust my VTF, but I've been messing around with that too and can't seem to get the distortion to go away. I've played with anti-skate as well, but the distortion is coming evenly from both channels, so I don't believe that is the issue.

Have any of you experienced this problem? Is this a cartridge alignment issue, VTA, VTF, etc.? What have you guys done to resolve this?

I would start with 222mm as the pivot to spindle distance and Lofgren B since you have inner groove distortion and leave the rest as default. The arc is customized for your geometry. After this, I would work on VTA. You can fold a piece of fine gragh paper to rough horizontal as a starting point and then do the rest by ear. BTW where is your dealer in all this? Did you buy this online?
Jwglista, You say you want to "get your setup perfected". No printed out protractor is going to come close the precision of the Mint LP
I printed out several charts using 222mm as the setting. I was able to find that from Clearaudio's website. I will try using Lofgren B. Is there any particular reason for using this? Why would this resolve inner groove distortion?

As far as VTA, I have that spot on. I've used a ruler to measure the accuracy.

I purchased this setup from a member on Audiogon, so I don't have the option of going back to any dealers.
you will always get some arc distortion of some kind with a pivoted arm. what you are doing is trying to minimize it as much as possible. Once you print it out you will see that the Lofgren B grid is innermost. From your description, I think that is where your alignment is off. since you bought secondhand, there is the possibility that your unit is defective. use lots of light and magnifying glasses. there is a certain satisfaction in empowerment learning this on your own.