Best "dark side of the moon"

what is the best pressing of the Pink Floyd LP? I have seen some in the 300-500 dollar range... what is the best? and does it compare to the dvd/sacd version of the album?
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No sweat Marty.

It's very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad.
Out of my 4 vinyl copies i like the MFSL version alot but the winner is my UK EMI Harvest copy very clean and sweet and yes
that explains why you've been mad I've been mad for %&*#ing years..... Off to the dark side of the moon
close to audiofeil's number(11 total), and whats funny is it isn't even one of my favorite records...i've heard it way too many times....its saf to say, the latest emi version is fine, and you won't have to sell your firstborn to buy.