Titan, Transfiguration Orpheus or Air Tight PC1??

There is no way I will get to demo all or any of these carts. My choices are limited to these carts as I can get a decent trade in for my Lyra Skala. The cart will be mounted on a Triplanar, the TT is a Michell Orbe and phono stage is a Nagra VPS. There is no earthly reason to contemplate an upgrade except.....??
Am extremely happy with the Lyra Skala. Listen to all musical genres from rock, blues, classical,jazz and Indian though the latter is not critical for the choice of cart given IMHO the somewhat limited dynamic range of most Indian music.
Would appreciate views/advice of A'goners who have experience of some or all of these carts.
Many thanks in advance.
Many thanks for all the inputs/advice.
I have spent nearly 6 months getting my Triplanar fixed and am really happy with the arm despite all the initial travails. Arm switching, even if it leads to superior sonic results, is not on the radar.My audio choices/upgrade decisions are not always optimal given limited availability/trade in opportunities. I am ,however, intrigued by your statement, which off course you qualify , that the PC-1 is not in the same league as the other carts that are mentioned. Are there any specific sonic attributes/charateristics that lead you to this conclusion. Given your vast experience I am really interested in your assessment.
Do you reckon that the slightly higher output of the PC-1,ie 0.6mV will allow me to use the tube only output of the Nagra VPS? At present the gain is way too low and I use the SS output. The pre is a Conrad Johnson CT5.The output of the Skala/Titan i is identical at 0.5mV,the Orpheus is 0.48 mV. As the tube section of the VPS is "superior", I guess the PC-1 should get the nudge!!
Actually I am more confused now than I was before posting. I guess at this level there is no definitive better only personal and subjective choices.
The dealer has offered to demo at least one of the carts. I could ask for a A/B demo with the Skala . Not sure if this is the way to go coz the dealer is not going to use the MintLP to set up the cart...
Thanks once again to all who responded. Shall report on the switch/upgrade as and when it happens.
FWIW the trade in price for the Lyra Titan i and the Orpheus is almost identical while the PC - 1 is almost USD 1200 more.
The Skala is the best match in this Set Up. The PC-1 is the right cartridge when someone is looking for a lifeless, dry and analytical sound which is comparable to a CD Player. The Titan (I) is top, but it should have a heavy Arm with high quality bearings to show its superiority. Raul got it. The Orpheus is a good, neutral cartridge, but it will "tell" you nothing new compared to the Skala. It is smoother, more laid back, an alternative, when you don't like the Skala (for whatever reasons...)
Many thanks. That's a really impressive system you have. Are you running a Miyabi 47 on the Triplanar ?
At the Munich High-End 2008 show I had the rare opportunity to compare the Titan I vs. Skala in current Triplanars at the Spiral Groove booth on their record players, using the same phono stage. There was no other visistor, so I could listen with my own records for about an hour. I definitely preferred the Titan I, which had better timing and impact, to the Skala, which sounded a bit artificial in comparison. But be aware, that the Titan I is a bit less warm than the Skala. The Titan I was also more fun to listen to.

best regards, Hartmut