Titan, Transfiguration Orpheus or Air Tight PC1??

There is no way I will get to demo all or any of these carts. My choices are limited to these carts as I can get a decent trade in for my Lyra Skala. The cart will be mounted on a Triplanar, the TT is a Michell Orbe and phono stage is a Nagra VPS. There is no earthly reason to contemplate an upgrade except.....??
Am extremely happy with the Lyra Skala. Listen to all musical genres from rock, blues, classical,jazz and Indian though the latter is not critical for the choice of cart given IMHO the somewhat limited dynamic range of most Indian music.
Would appreciate views/advice of A'goners who have experience of some or all of these carts.
Many thanks in advance.
I just dont get it...I could never recommend an SME...Its funny how people get all these different results. I am confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!oidhfiejnfandhfnhfhxcglholfnvbs

I currently own a PC-1 and a Titan i, I have not heard the Orpheaus. If I had to choose between two I would pic the PC-1. Based on your system I would choose a PC-1. The fact that you have a Skala I would choose a PC-1. To throw a wrench in the game I would choose a Universe.
Jfrech, I could detect typical cartridge character differences between the two analogue setups at Spiral Groove, but was not able to detect typical turntable differences. I am quite familiar with Lyra cartridges since the 90ies, have had listened to original Clavis, Clavis DC, Helikon, Skala in my home setup. Without that experience, I would not dare to attribute differences I heard at the Spiral Groove booth to the cartridges. But I could be mistaken, nevertheless.

best regards, Hartmut
Hi Folks,
Spent a couple of days over the weekend in Singapore demoing the Transfiguration Orpheus L at The Audio Note(the dealer Cecil Tan is a great guy).Unfortunately, a demo of the Titan i was not possible. It was basically an assessment of whether the new Orpheus L had anything to offer over the Skala. As many others have pointed out there was a real danger that this could end up as a sideways move and not an upgrade despite a hefty price mark up.
After a couple of demo sessions spread over 2 days with familiar lps the Orpheus was to my ears a clear and unambigous choice. Have spent only 2 hours with the Orpheus L in my system and its clearly premature to arrive at any definitive views but the initial impression is of a pretty dramatic drop in background noise. The bass was probably a bit deeper with the Skala but the highs are a tad smoother with better resolution. I can't see any listener fatigue with this cart. IMHO in the context of my system, my ears and my musical preferences, the Orheus L is a superior cart and a sensible upgrade.
Am currently running it with a load of 100 ohms. Would welcome views/advise regd a different loading.
In respect of cart alignment the Orpheus L is a pain coz so little of the cantilever is visible. Its only now that I understand the advantage of a nude cart. Aligning a Lyra with a Best LP was a breeze. With the Orpheus L I have got the overhang right but yet to achieve the perfect alignment on the 2 null points using the Mint LP. This cart is not doing my cervical spondylitis any good !!
Cheers and Happy listening.