what phono amp for a VPI scout with Lyra Dorian

My system consists of a VPI scout with a Lyra Dorian. The integrated amplifier I use is a Symponic Line La Musica. The amp has a build in phono stage.

Now I was wondering if I were to spend say $1500 on a used or new phono stage would I get a performance upgrade.

I am a bit hesitant to buy a phono separate stage, not only does the phono stage cost money I also will need to buy more (and expensive) interlinks.

Tube phono stages are a no go for me.
I really loved the Vaccumstate JLTI with my Lyra Argo - fast, detailed with excellent resolution. The JLTI particularly excels in terms of imaging; even much more expensive phonostages do not go as far into the corners as this one; excellent separation between instruments as well. It may be lacking the utmost tonal contrasts a good tube stage can provide, but then all the tube phonos in that price range do not come close to the resolution of the JLTI.
I have a different turntable and cartridge but I agree with Restock regarding the JLTI. I've had mine for about 3 months and can atttest to Restock's description of it. It has a long breakin period but I highly recommend it. See December Stereophile for review.
I am a VPI dealer and was faced with the problem of deciding which phono stages to carry , after agonizing a long time I decided on the Dynavector 75 ($750) and the Blue Circle 709 ($1295). Not trying to sell you either, just two I thought looked good.