Damaged Dynavector 20XL

Somehow I have managed to severely bend the sytlus on my Dyna 20xl (low hours). What are my best options here? Is retipping an option or should I just write it off an replace it?
If you have kids, housekeepers, curious friends, etc. stylus guards serve a valuable purpose.

They don't work well when dismounted.
You have nothing to lose by trying to straighten it ...right?

Get the cartridge on your desk/bench, and gently coax it into position it with a toothpick - in small increments.

Been there ... done that :-((

Thom @ Galibier

I feel your pain. A few weeks ago I was spinning some vinyl and as I changed the record my hand touched the cartridge and I tried to catch it before it hit the record. In so doing, my hand hit the stylus and bent it. And like a fool I tried to straighten it and the cantilever broke off in my hand. Not a good feeling. My cartridge is also Dynavector, 20XH. I think I will contact Sound Smith to see if it can be repaired.