Turntable Isolation

I have quad 22 l-2 speakers, NAD c-162 preamp, pair of Adcom gfa-555 amps, Cambridge Azur 640c cd player, Rega p3-24 turntable with TTSU and Herbie's mat.

Listen to all types of music, from classical to Sinatra to Miles Davis to early rock to Wilco to Arcade Fire, etc.

I've been looking at isolation solutions for my Rega (Gingko, etc) and decided to make something myself. I bought a piece of hardwood, cut it into two 19" x 16" pieces, drilled 5 dowel holes in the corners and the middle of one piece, placed Dunlop Sport (2 dot) squash balls in the dowel holes, placed the other piece of hardwood on top. Then, placed my Timbernation 2" thick maple turntable platform with spikes on top of the second piece of hardwood, then the Rega. Seems to work ok. My question is; how compressed should the balls be in order to get the best isolation for this "solution"?
I have a Rega P2 and even the slightest tap on the cabinet it sat on produced a thump through the speakers.
I cut some foam pieces to put between the feet and plinth. One kind of foam didn't do much. What did work well was to use two or more different densities of foam. Experimenting is the key.
Everyone probably has all kinds of scrap foam lying around. It may not be as elegant as exotic custom bases, but it works and is pretty much free.
03-01-09: Gmsasso
So, let me make sure I've got this right: Your turntable has threaded brass
cones, cones sit on the floor savers, floorsavers on the Vibrapods, Vibrapods
sit on the butcher block, and the block sits on siicon gell pads?
That's exactly correct.

What a great set-up! Then, the turntable is leveled with the brass cones. You
stated that the floorsavers sit on top on the Vibrapods, they don't fit down
inside them, right?
That is also correct. The
floorsavers have to be big enough to perch on the "doughnut"
part of the Vibrapod. Floorsavers that fit inside the center of the Vibrapod
won't make use of the Vibrapod's suspension, so don't use small floorsavers.

I had pretty good results with the brass cones seated directly on the cutting
board with the gel pads underneath, but when I added the floorsavers and
Vibrapods, it moved the turntable over a very noticeable threshold that has
made my system more compelling to listen to than ever before.

Tip: The Vibrapods have to settle in at their optimum deflection, which takes
a few hours. When I first added the floorsavers and Vibrapods, the system
became notably quieter, but also sounded overdamped--a bit dead and
lacking transient attack. But a few hours later when the VPs had settled in,
the lowered noise floor remained and all the detail I had before returned,
plus a lot more owing to the lower noise floor and greater dynamic range.
Ok, Johnnyb, I'm ordering the vibrapods today. And, I'm going out to get a few floorsavers and a couple of gels. I'll let you know how it works out.
Johnny -
What is the dimension (diameter, primarily) of the floor saver you are using?