Music Hall MMF-5.1 or Project RM-5SE

Should I spend an additional $200 (plus shipping) to upgrade the MMF-5.1 that I just received to a Pro-Ject RM-5SE, or should I save my money for a year or two to get a significantly better turntable?

I've recently gotten into vinyl - dusted off an old Pioneer direct drive. I'm enjoying it, so I just got a Music Hall MMF-5.1. It's definitely an upgrade over the Pioneer / Grado Black, but I'm not super impressed with it for the price, even with the good price that I paid. It makes a motor noise that is audible when the room is quiet. The Pro-Ject upgrades the tonearm from aluminum to carbon fiber, the platter, and has a different cartridge (Sumiko Blue Point 2 vs. the Goldring on the Music Hall). My concern is that the RM-5SE will have the same motor as the MMF-5.1, which is made in the Pro-Ject factory using mostly Pro-Ject parts. Should I be bothered by that?

Any comments will be greatly appreciated!
Older thread, but I wanted to add this to the mix.

(1) One, after less than 3 months use, the MMF 5.1 developed, not just an audible low motor noise, but a ferocious motor noise that was simply unbearable. 3-1 oil onto the motor spindle will not fix this. After sending an email, with an attached audio/video clip capturing the noise to Music hall (unanswered email) I called. Roy shipped a new motor. However, although supposedly they are identical, I was shipped a 2.2 motor (yellow tape) instead of the white taped motor for the 5.1. I replaced the motor, buttoned everything up and it was quiet for another year or so. The same noise came back. I emailed Music Hall once again asking to purchase a motor. Again, no response. I decided to just buy a motor from the Needle doctor (50.00). I also ordered a Cruise Control 2.0 and a acrylic platter from Music Direct. I will be repairing and testing this evening to see what I think. I do like the sonics of the 5.1 compared to my past tables so I am looking forward to the upgrades. Even with the "overall" quality of this table, I have been very disappointed with the level of service they offer regardless of their reputation.

(2) I also purchased a Marantz/Clearaudio TT-15 turntable for another perspective. Once assembled, I try to post a review and comparison of the two. If I can't tell the difference or if the differences are simply unremarkable, you will see both listed on Audiogon and I will purchase a VPI as a final table. This will be about all I can ever justify for a turntable based on my income :-))

Do yourself a favor, research the "motor noise" syndrome on the MMF 5.1. I think you might find this is a very well documented problem. Resolution? Simply a better motor. I don't mind normal service and maintenance for audio equipment, but please....50.00 a year for a motor? No way. My old Denon has traveled the world, been in the attic, in basements and simply "used" and enjoyed. Motor noise? NEVER! Good luck with whoever chooses to buy one. If this one fails....I will replace the motor once again and "kiss it goodbye." :-)
As a Pro-ject RM 5.1SE owner, I can honestly say that I have had this unit close to two years now, play it at least an hour practically everyday and have never heard any motor noise. And I use the supplied the record clamp screwed down onto every LP I spin. Do not know if I got lucky or if those having issues with their Czech motors were simply the result of a bad batch that got straightened out by the manufactures before I bought mine.

Finally, enjoying vinyl as much I do and being gravely afflicted with upgradeitis, I toy with the idea of a new table constantly. But when I listen to a good LP, the performance and sound quality of my Pro-ject diminishes the notion. I suppose it I were to eventually upgrade, it would be a VPI though.