Shoot-out Klyne 7xp3.5 vs IO Signature

Just picked up a Klyne 7xp3.5 phono pre. Will be positioning it against The Aesthetix Io signature with 2 supplies and volume controls.

I may try going solid state for a while if the Klyne works out. I have admired these for sometime. Any other users of the illusive Klyne?

Hope this will be interesting. Stay tuned.

Nkj-curious what your thoughts are vis'-a-vis' the Klyne 7px/Io shootout now that you've had a few weeks.

Just for full disclosure, I own the Klyne-but don't mince words!
NKJ, I had a Klyne 2.5 and thought it was fantastic. I eventually ended up with a custom tube pre with eq settings (simple JE Labs RCA circuit w/no feedback).

At the same time I had the Klyne, I had two other solid state phonos: Dynavector P75 and ASR Mini Basis w/chip upgrade. The P75 finished third in these comparisons (as would makes sense when looking at price). The ASR had a nice fat tone with truly amazing dynamics (best I ever had from phono playback) but sounded mechanical. I felt the Klyne was perfect sounding but eventually ended up with a FF tube pre w/eq so that I could play my 78s and early monos.

Can't wait to hear about the comparison...

I've had the Klyne for a little while and actually have been too busy to report back. The Io has a sense of stage space and air that is expansive it's lowest resgisters on my system are slightly plump. The top end of the Io does not sound unnatural but some may argue that it is not hyper extended and have a shimmering quality. My system is quiet. With the Io I have no noise problems.

The Klyne is clean clean, with an extended top end and and very defined punchy lower register. It does not have quite the expansiveness of width of the Io. It's stage depth is very good. This is an exceptional solid state unit that I could easily live with and from a form factor point of view certainly is preferable to the Io. It does not grand stand and draw attention to itself. Very refined with great user adjustable features that will play with audio neurotics fears for some time.

I am keeping both for now and continue to build my opinion. On the used market, if you can find one, I would recommend the Klyne.
Nkj, Would you care to tell us what amp and speakers you are using, what music you prefer, etc? As far as I can tell your system is not posted. Thanks.
Anyone here ever compare the Klyne to the Pass Xono?