Nightline- vinyl segment

Nightline did a nice story on vinyl's resurgence last night. Go to , "vinyl, the last track" to view.
Has anyone seen the tv show ,House,, he has a Sota turntable in his office and I think Sota is listed in the credits,Long live the LP!!
03-06-09: Xiekitchen
Yeah I saw that last night.. only they did not show anything "high end" or "audiophile" quality.. just 70's type DD tables, S-arms, and cheapo DJ cartridges. They were clueless...
Maybe that was just as well. If it had been a profile of audiogeeks with $12,000 turntables, $4,000 "needles," and $2500 phono stages, the lasting impression would have been that the vinyl resurgence is limited to high-rolling weirdos. It's a much more positive effect if it's presented as mainstream and most of all, affordable. The people profiled were accessible and the gear they had was familiar and affordable.
Well said Johnnyb53. I agree the prices would be more a positive effect at the affordable end of the spectrum. Now if we could just hide the ones selling a single lp for more than what some are paying for an entire set-up to play vinyl .Cheers
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