I could cry

That damn cat. It finally happened to me. The cat got locked in my storage room with my several hundred albums. Yep you guessed it. What a mess. Should I kill the cat ?
I wouldn't be too harsh on the cat, it was probably just looking for your Cat Stevens albums, or perhaps the single Cat Scratch Fever. And you can't blame it for getting locked in the closet...
Wee Hughie was in the garden filling in a hole when his English neighbour peered over the fence. Interested in what the mad man was up to, he politely asked, 'What are you doing there, Hughie?'
'My goldfish died,' replied Wee Hughie tearfully without looking up, 'and I've just buried him.'
The English neighbour was very concerned. 'That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?'
Wee Hughie patted down the last heap of dirt then replied, 'That's because he's inside your cat.'"
My dogs were jealous of the time I was spending with the turntable, so they arranged to de-tip the cartridge.

The turntable now sits in a closet.

I still love the dogs.