I could cry

That damn cat. It finally happened to me. The cat got locked in my storage room with my several hundred albums. Yep you guessed it. What a mess. Should I kill the cat ?
A little off topic but might give some insight as to what pet owners might tolerate.

I was over at Dusty Vawter's home a couple years back auditioning his D-200 amps. Dusty has a very nice set-up that includes a set of Von Schweikert speakers. Well a friend of mine and I were listening to some LPs and CDs when out of the blue comes this cat that decides to scale the front of the right channel speaker leaping off to run a few more laps that included scaling the left channel speaker as well. Dusty acted as if it were par for the course and upon inspecting the speakers more closely it must have been a normal routine as the face of the speaker had several scratches.

As far as I could tell the performance of the speakers was unaffected.
One of my cats peed on my CD rack once, but left the vinyl unscathed. May have been making a statement about digital vs. analog.
One of my cats recently "modified" the dome tweeter on one of my speakers. It's now an "inverted" tweeter! Fortunately the hit to the wallet wasn't too bad. So the cat's off the hook. Besides I'm a vegetarian so barbeque was never an option.
When you girls get through takin' up for that cat, I'll be over in the amp section. :)