I could cry

That damn cat. It finally happened to me. The cat got locked in my storage room with my several hundred albums. Yep you guessed it. What a mess. Should I kill the cat ?
Your lucky you didn't get arrested for animal abuse, I'm sure PETA is monitoring this website as well.

Why wasn't this on CNN? Such a drama! Worse than the fires in Australia! Those people have lost more than just a vinyl collection, believe me! Come on, get serious! The cat had to do something while being locked up in there, just be lucky she didn't wet your records. At least the cat has manners! Yes, I'm in defense of your cat. I'm her lawyer! NOT GUILTY!
Time to teach the feline some music appreciation. May I suggest for some heavy rotation, at 110 db SPL:
I thought of this idea. Think it's the best solution.
For those that took me serious about killing the cat. I did it. She's dead! I just couldn't stand it any longer. WOW, get a sense of humor