Hard choice: Lyra Skala - Ortofon PW - Benz Ruby3

Hello Guys,

I'm going to think to change my Grado Statement Master 0.5mv. and I'm thinking to buy one of these three cartridges : Lyra Skala - Ortofon PW - Benz Ruby3
There is also the Dynavector XX-2 MKII , as 4th conceivable choice , while the XV-1s is too expencive for me.
Could you help me in this choice .. describing carts qualities , differences and your experiences about?

Thanks to EveryOne for opinions/suggestions

Raven One - Whest Audio PS30RDT phono stage - Pass Labs X1 - Parasound Halo JC1s - Thiel 2.4
Tough choice, because they are all different.
Lyra Skala
Very detailed, can show you the differences in a recording very well and in my opinion the most "musical" cartridge from Lyra at the moment. Easy load for a phono preamp, not so sensitive to arms, but when it is a heavy one, it is more musical, less analytic, the "musical flow" is different.
Benz Ruby
Unsurpassed on voices, it is really a kind of magic which is hard to beat.
no experience with the other ones, except DV 17Karat, for me one of the best deals out there from/Performance-Price ratio.
Thanks Syntax for your detailed opinions .. expecially the one regarding the Benz Ruby3 cos I haven't found much around the net about this cartridge , reviews and similars.
I didn't think it could be compared to the other two .. and I have added to my list cos I can buy at good price
Interesting ...
Dear Curio: All those are very good cartridges. Which are your tonearm and music sound priorities?.

Btw, this seems a very good opportunity on a top cartridge:

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks Rauliruegas for the reccomendation but I have to trade my Grado so I need to buy as new from a dealer or someone interesting in trade
I haven't heard all of your selections in the same system, so I can only say that all of those cartridges are quite good. The Lyra would probably be the biggest change from the Grado (fast, detailed, and a lot leaner sounding than the Grado). The Grado is a rich, "musical" (delivers dense harmonic content of instruments) cartridge, but compared to your candidates, it sounds a touch sluggish and muffled.

The PW I heard in a friend's system was a terrifically neutral and musical cartridge, but, it showed a little bit of strain tracking the inner grooves of the record (the EMT arm/table combination was probably not fully optimized as it is a new purchase). The Benz is a cartridge that delivers detail without sounding forced or overly analytical.

I know the choice is already complicated, but, I would also add to the list the Transfiguration Phoenix. This is a lively, fun, cartridge that I heard, and liked a lot on a Linn/Naim ARO combination.