Panel Sound

I really like the Martin Logan "wall of sound" and am curious what other speakers have this same quality. I think i have ruled out Quad (cost and reliability) but would consider Magnepan or Gallo 3.5. I like the immersive quality of the Logan's and want a huge soundstage. I listen to rock, blues, folk and indie.

The Gallo 3.5, Maggie 3.7 and ML Vantage/Ethos would all be roughly the same cost.
Part of what sounds so nice with a good dipole speaker traces back to its dipole radiation pattern, and what it does right as far as the reverberant field when set up correctly.

Let's start with a quick look at the sound fields in a good recital hall. We have a very clean first-arrival sound, then a few weak reflections off the people in front of us, then after a fairly long time delay, the reflections from the walls start to arrive. Since the walls are diffusive rather than absorptive, this reflected energy is not only powerful but also spectrally correct, and from it we get that rich timbre and sense of envelopment and immersion in the music.

When set up correctly (preferably a good 5 feet out from the wall), dipoles come reasonably close to approximating this situation, within the limitations of our room size. We have a nice clean first arrival sound, then relatively weak early reflections until the spectrally-correct backwave energy arrives after bouncing off the wall behind the speakers. This relatively late-onset, powerful, spectrally-correct reverberant energy significantly enhances the timbre, envelopment, and even clarity of the presentation (I realize that last claim is somewhat counter-intuitive, and can explain it if you'd like).

A wide-pattern monopole speaker usually falls short of a correctly set up dipole in two areas: The spectral correctness of the reverberant energy, and duration of the path-length-induced time delay. Both of these matter to the ear/brain system.

I've done some work with alternative polydirectional configurations that fire their spectrally-correct reverberant energy off in a different direction, for situations where it's not feasible to position the speakers far out into the room.

Nothing against a good monopole - I build those too - but there are things that good dipoles, or other types of polydirectionals, do better than monopoles. And if that's part of what you've fallen in love with about your dipoles, it's hart do go back.

Imo, ime, ymmv, etc.

Very much in agreement with Harri009. I went to a Minneapolis audio dealer that had all the ML models and Magnepan models. One at a time he moved in the next ML model up in the line into the room and the sound was detailed but musical they were not. After the 3rd or 4th ML demo, I told him to bring in the Magnepans .the 3.5. Wow, now you're talking'! We then tried the 20.1 and it was great but not much beyond the 3.5. The Magnepans brought on a "you are there" factor the ML's simply could not.

I lived with the 3.3 and later the 3.5 for many years. But then I had one brief comparison of the Magnepans against the Soundlab U1's. It was not even close. The SL's so severely outperformed my beloved 3.5's. I shortly thereafter went for an older pair of SL A1's and have enjoyed them immensely ever since. The ML stats were not even close to this. Perhaps the later ML models have changed. Only an audition and direct comparison of the each of the speakers in your own system can confirm this.

Hi John,
I remember that comparison here well. You might want to come down for a listen to the speakers (U-1PX) which have all the bells and whistles and are in the much larger, acoustically designed room.
I'm also a diehard dipole guy... The first pair I ever heard were Maggie MG 2B's over 30 years ago and instantly became hooked... in fact, I bought the pair from my friend. Won't bore anyone with anymore of my purchases since but they do include a pair of MG3A's (after the 2B's) as well as ML Aerius i's ... briefly dabbled with a few 'traditional' speakers for a little while after that just for something different [including Audio Physic and Silverline] where the low range punch and dynamics were appreciated but my heart never left my love of dipoles.
One day I heard a pair of Apogee Divas and I knew the best of both worlds had finally been found. Subsequently bought a pair of Apogee Mini Grands and had a ball with them, then moved up to Duetta Signatures and finally to the Divas. Many Apogees are still in good shape and those that aren't can be either partially or completely rebuilt (I have the Diva Ultimate rebuilds)and they will compete with or beat the best speakers in the'll get 99% of the dynamic slam and 100% of the 3D airiness and classic dipole sound you've always loved.
Yes, a bit more work and effort on your part but when you're through you'll know your search is over and well worth it. Good luck.