Tonearm Nightmare

I have been trying to set up my Spacedeck with Ace/Space arm and have encountered a problem that has me totally clueless. The tonearm pulls back to its rest (away from platter) with significant authority even with anti-skating disengaged. It is impossible to cue the arm as it moves away from the record immediately. I'm sure there must be some big (and perhaps even obvious to someone who knows what to look for) issue that is causing this. I have not set up an arm before but have tried to gather as much information as possible to guide my efforts - I even watched Mikey's DVD twice!

If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I would would be very appreciative.
If new have you called your seller, if used have you called Nottingham? Either would probably only to glad to help.
Try checking the 'dressing" of the tone arm cabling.
Are you sure you did't set AS to max instead of min?
Is the turntable level? I'm not familiar with how the arm wiring is done on your setup--is there any tension on the arm wiring (where it exits the arm)?
The turntable is perfectly level. The AS weight has been removed and the lever rotated away from the arm. The arm has been rewired with Cardas and has a lot of slack hanging out the back. When working to align the cartridge, I did have to rotate it quite sharply clockwise so this may have created some unforseen force. I will check this as it may be the causative effect.

Thanks for the responses.