budget phono pre question

I have a Peachtree Decco with Era 5 speackers and a Cary 303 cdp. I'm re-introducing my Well Tempered TT with a clearaudio Vertuoso Wood cartridge. I was considering the Bellari 129 and the Clearaudio basic micro because they fit the very low budget of about 200 to 300 dollars. Does the Bellari have enough output for the cartridge? I know that the clearaudio basic micro has the power but how musical is it? I already have a mullard tube in the Decco's pre .. do I need two tubed pres? Are there other budget phono pre s that might work better?

The description of the Bellari at Needle Doctor indicates it's good with carts in a range from 3 to 5mV. The Clearaudio Virtuoso has a rated output of 3.6mV, so it should be good.

I'm only going by the posted numbers and have no direct experience with this cart and phono staqe.
You will get better detail out of a cambridge 640. There was a creek on here also that should sound better.
Yes, the Bellari has enough gain for the Virtuoso.
03-25-09: Elevick
You will get better detail out of a cambridge 640. There was a creek on here also that should sound better.
Absolutely agree. The Cambridge 640 is quieter and more detailed than the Bellari. However, a Bottlehead Seduction outperforms both. It has one of the most natural sounding midranges I've heard. It's also quiet and sounds more three dimensional than anything else in this price range. They come up used from time to time, or you can buy a new kit for $294.
Thanks for the advice. I'm looking into the Cambridge 640. Are there any other contenders? Which Creek would do better? The seduction sound good however, the Kit part of it is not attractive to me.
